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F.A.Q.: The following are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding liposuction, breast augmentation and plastic surgery in general. We have listed them below for you and have answered then for your convenience. If you have a question that is not answered below, please email us or set up an appointment. Dr. Serure will gladly go over any questions you may have and suggest the best options available for you.


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the surgical vacuuming of fat from beneath the surface of the skin. It is used to reduce fullness in any area of the body. It is an excellent method of spot reduction but is not an effective method of weight loss.


What areas are most frequently treated?

In women, the single most frequently treated areas are the outer thighs, followed by the stomach. In men, the flank area or "love handles" are treated most frequently.


Liposuction seems very simple and safe. Are there any dangers?

Although liposuction is very safe and effective, it is a surgical procedure and can cause complications such as infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. In addition, aesthetic complications such as skin irregularity or waviness can occur if too much fat has been removed. Fortunately, complications are uncommon and most patients are satisfied with their results.


Can exercise get rid of specific areas of fat without liposuction?

Exercise is good for the mind and body in general, and toning the muscles can help fill out loose skin in the vicinity. By suppressing the appetite, and by slightly increasing the metabolism, exercise can assist weight loss. But, unfortunately, there is no such thing as a "spot" exercise, to make the body lose weight in a certain area. Troublesome areas, typically the chin, abdomen, hips or thighs, have an inherited tendency to accumulate fat, and there is so far no way, exercise or pills, to force the body to selectively burn away that fat. To date, only liposuction can accomplish that.


How is a breast augmentation performed?

The technique used for your surgery depends not only on your surgeon's preferences, but also on your desired results. The incision is small and is usually made in one of three locations: underneath the breast just above the crease; around the lower edge of the areola; or within the armpit. Once the incision is made, the surgeon creates a pocket into which the implant is inserted.


How Long Does a Facelift Last?

No one can say for sure. The clock is turned back but keeps on running. Ten years later, you will look better than if you never had surgery. Many patients never have a second lift, while others may desire further surgery seven to 15 years later.


Can Surgery Be Done Without Scars?

The scars from facelift surgery usually fade and are barely perceptible. In some patients, especially younger ones, endoscopic surgery can be used to lift the eyebrows, remove frown lines, elevate the cheek and jowls, and tighten the neck. This endoscopic surgery can be done with tiny scars. However, if there is excessive skin, it must be removed for the best results through standard facelift incisions.




Member of the
American Society
for Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery